Thursday, February 2, 2012


You saw what happened in 'Michael' episode which Sebastian slushie Blaine. Poor Blaine! Grant Gustin  dished to Huffington Post  on the scene and it turns out a whole lotta practice went into that one throw! Owwww!

"I had Slushie practice with a dummy for that one scene," Grant explained of the epic act. "At first, they gave me water to practice the momentum, and then I practiced throwing water in a dummy’s face probably a hundred times before I was allowed to throw a Slushie."

"Darren would have to go through hair and make-up again if I messed up," Grant said. “They were riding me, so I felt a lot of pressure. Thank god I got it in one take. I felt so cool getting to throw that Slushie because that’s what Glee is, you know?”

Grant also told Huffington Post that one New Directions-er in particular can’t keep his eye off of the Warblers – and it just so happens to be the guy on the receiving end of the Slushie.

“Whenever [Darren] sees me in that Warbler uniform, he’s very vocal about how jealous he is,” Grant said. “When we filmed the Warbler number for ‘Michael,’ he was there, stalking us. I think it kind of kills him to see a cool Warbler number happening when he can’t be a part of it.”


  1. it hurts seeing no Blaine for the Spanish Teacher episode all because of this incident!


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